Saturday, 27 September 2008

I've been tagged too!!!! Times

Hi I've been tagged twice by Wendy and Rachel thanks ladies they have told me i am it .......
so here goes here are the rules:
1. Link your Tagger(s) and list these rules on your blog.
2. Share 7 facts about yourself on your blog, some random some weird.
3. Tag 7 people at the end of your post by leaving there names as well as links to their blogs.
4. Let them know they have been tagged by leaving a comment on their blog.

here's goes a little about me :

1. I'm Anne I'm a Geordie I've been married to Richie for 22 yrs coming up next month i have Three children Emma, Donna and Scott i have a Grandson Callum who will be 4 next month hes a right character and a grandson due in January.

2. Ive been crafting since i was little think i could knit before i could walk hate plain knitting though too boring give me cable anytime I'm left handed but was taught right handed one thing i know it wont stretch in the wash also like cross stitching i am a little impatient though can't put them down til there finished so best to stick to the smaller ones.

3. Bit of a messy crafter like to have everything at hand can never find anything once it's put away. Wendy will love this bought all of the new Christmas cute companions stamps cut them then stamped the images before laminating the paper to put in folder to store them on me nails looked as though they had black nail varnish on by the time i was finished should of used a bigger ink pad oh and Wendy being a Lefty when you write if using a Biro you end up with ink on your hand best part of the time.

4. Worked in shops since i left School was a florist til they started sending some of the newer plants over had an Allergic reaction had to pack it in as my throat swelled up run a mile from real Xmas trees. got a job in local off License was there for 19 yrs.

5. My Mam was 40 when she had me the doctors had sent her to hospital about an Ovarian Cyst turned out to be me so i was the only one out of six of us born in a hospital . my brothers call me Little Cyst instead of Little Sis.

6. Love my computer always dabbling with something on it would be lost without it.

7. i think Crafting is an obsession or is it the shopping part can't stop buying help lol and Von can i have me mojo back pleeeeease.

now for the hard part who to tag will have to go a looking

1 comment:

  1. I love it Anne, Feel I know you much better now,With you on the craft shopping, Cant stop buying stuff, But not like it with other shopping just crafty stuff.
    Always hated ink on my, I cant stand Stason pads, it dont want to come off my hands, I like nail polish daft I know.
    Get your mojo back quick missing your creations Anne.
    Love Wendy


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